Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A GREAT life.

I believe that the Bible is the manual to happy great life.
the word "great" could mean different things to different people; thats ok.

I believe that God designed me, he designed the plants I eat, he designed the soil that the plants are in, He designed the water, nutrients and sun that feeds the plant, that feeds me. I believe that He placed the earth in the exact distance and gradient and spin relative to the sun.

I believe that God loves me immensely, intensely and forever always. I  believe that He wants to be my supernatural friend and thru a spiritual connection He guides with the Bible. That is why I read the Bible because in it, He tells me who He is and how much He loves me. And because He loves me He tells me in His word how to live my life because He wants my life to be great. And I also want my life to be great. God designed life so He knows how we should live life. However God gave me free will to do what ever I want. I can decide to HATE God If I want to. I can decide to HATE people if I want to.  This is called free will to decide what ever you want. Unlike a robot who operates based on a program.
So therefor out of my one free will I can decide to love God and to love people and to love myself.
This makes me very happy, and this makes other people very happy and I believe that this pleases God.

But because free will is subject to all kinds of influences, factors, circumstances, emotions. It is most of the times difficult to make the right choice, the choice that is based on love and truth, as opposed to a choice that is based on greed and selfishness.

This why I need to read the Bible daily because I need reminding of what is true and what is love.

The verse that I read today speaks to me, it encourages me to live in the way of my Father, in the way that His son Jesus showed when He was on earth as a jew in the time of Pontias Pilut the Roman Caesar. This verse is something that Jesus said that was written down by a disciple of Jesus called Luke.
If anyone would come after me he must:
deny himself daily
take up his cross daily
and follow me(Jesus) daily.
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet to lose or forfeit his very self.

Following Jesus is not for sissy, the faint at heart, the selfish. But God never expected us to follow Him with our own strength. When we pledge our allegiance to Him, OR when we decide to follow Him OR When we decide to TRUST His way instead of my way, THEN He supernaturally puts His Spirit into and with my spirit, this being called BORN AGAIN. Then His Spirit helps me daily to make the right decision. Decisions towards truth and love. Decision towards a great life.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God it is through Grace!! The second I get flustered I know I am trying to do it by my will and not His. awesome post!
